Publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Segovia, J.; Ramos, R. (2024), Regional intergenerational mobility in Ecuador: many lands in one country, Regional Studies, forthcoming. - Cilekoglu, A.; Moreno, R; Ramos, R. (2024), The Impact of Robot Adoption on Global Sourcing, Research Policy, 53 (3), 104953. - López-Tamayo, J.; Ramos, R.; Royuela, V. (2023), Wage flexibility and employment resilience in the Spanish labour market over the Great Recession , Regional Studies, 57 (12), pp. 2443-2456. - Murillo-Huertas, I. P.; Ramos, R.; Simon, H.; Simon, R. (2023), Is multidimensional precarious employment higher for women? Evidence from Spain, Journal of Industrial Relations, 65 (1), pp. 44-71. - Choi, H.; Ramos, R. (2023), The union wage premium in a segmented labor market: new evidence from Korea, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 28 (1), pp. 242-260. - López-Tamayo, J.; Melguizo, C.; Ramos, R. (2022), Minimum wages, youth employment and spatial spillovers: New evidence for Spain, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 15 (3), pp. 891-917. - Ramos, R.; Sanromá, E.; Simón, H. (2022), Collective bargaining levels, employment and wage inequality in Spain, Journal of Policy Modeling, 44 (2), pp. 375-395. - Candel, F. J.; Viayna, E. Callejo, D.; Ramos, R.; San-Roman-Montero, J.; Barreiro, P.; Carretero, M. d. M.; Kolipiński, A.; Canora, J.; Zapatero, A.; Runken, M. C. (2021), Social Restrictions versus Testing Campaigns in the COVID-19 Crisis: A Predictive Model Based on the Spanish Case, Viruses 13, 5: 917.
Dataset available at: - De Botton L.; Ramos R,; Soler-Gallart M.; Suriñach J. (2021), Scientifically Informed Solidarity: Changing Anti-Immigrant Prejudice about Universal Access to Health. Sustainability, 13 (8): 4174.
Dataset available at: - Hintzmann, C.; Lladós-Masllorens, J.; Ramos, R. (2021), Intangible Assets and Labor Productivity Growth Economies, 9 (2): 82. - Bartoll, X.; Ramos, R. (2021), Worked hours, job satisfaction and self-perceived health, Journal of Economic Studies, 48 (1), pp. 223-241. - Bartoll, X.; Ramos, R. (2020), Working hour mismatch, job quality, and mental well-being across the EU28: a multilevel approach, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 93 (6), pp. 733-745. - Murillo-Huertas, I. P.; Ramos, R.; Simon, H. (2020), Revisiting interregional wage differentials: New evidence from Spain with matched employer-employee data, Journal of Regional Science, 60 (2), pp. 296-347. - Botezat, A.; Ramos, R. (2020), Physicians’ brain drain – A gravity model of migration flows, Globalization and Health, 16:7. - Bartoll, X.; Ramos, R. (2020), Quality of work, economic crisis, and temporary employment, International Journal of Manpower, 41 (1), pp. 37-51. - Ramos, R. (2019), Migration aspirations among youth in the Middle East and North Africa region, Journal of Geographical Systems, 21 (4), pp. 487-507. - Bartoll, X.; Gil, J.; Ramos, R. (2019), Temporary employment, work stress and mental health before and after the Spanish economic recession, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 92 (7), pp. 1047-1059. - Royuela, V.; Veneri, P.; Ramos, R. (2019), The short-run relationship between inequality and growth: Evidence from OECD regions during the great recession, Regional Studies, 53 (4), pp. 574-586.
Dataset available at: - Matano, A., Ramos, R. (2018), Remittances and Educational Outcomes: A Regional Investigation for Moldova, Annals of Regional Science, 60 (3), pp. 451-471. - López-Tamayo, J.; Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2018), Economic performance, social progress and institutional reform in European neighbouring countries, Annals of Regional Science, 60 (3), pp. 613-636. - Claeys, P.; Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2017), Interaction of government tiers and central banks in a federation: an empirical test, Fiscal Studies, 38 (2), pp. 301–330. - Murillo-Huertas, I., Ramos, R., Simón, H. (2017), Regional differences in the gender wage gap in Spain, Social Indicators Research, 134 (3), pp. 981-1008. - Carabotta, L.; Paluzie, E.; Ramos, R. (2017), Does fiscal responsibility matter? Evidence from public and private forecasters in Italy, International Journal of Forecasting, 33 (3), pp. 694-706. - Nieto, S., Ramos, R. (2017), Overeducation, skills and wage penalty: Evidence for Spain using PIAAC data, Social Indicators Research, 134 (1), pp. 219-236. - Simón, H.; Sanromá, E.; Ramos, R. (2017), Full- and part-time wage differences in Spain: An analysis along the wage distribution, International Journal of Manpower, 38 (3), pp. 449-469.
- Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2017), A gravity model of migration between ENC and EU, Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 108 (1), pp. 21-35. - Ramos, R.; Sanromá, E.; Simón, H. (2016), The part-time wage penalty: Does bargaining coverage outweigh regional differences in Spain, The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 27 (3), pp. 368-386.
- Ramos, R.; Duque, J. C.; Nieto, S. (2016), Decomposing the rural-urban differential in student achievement in Colombia using PISA microdata, Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 34 (2), pp. 379-412. - Ramos, R. (2016), Gravity models: A tool for migration analysis. IZA World of Labor 2016: 23 - Castells-Quintana, D.; Ramos, R.; Royuela, V. (2015), Income inequality in European Regions: Recent trends and determinants, Review of Regional Research / Jahrbuch für Regionalwissenschaft, 35 (2), pp. 123-146. - Ramos, R.; Matano, A.; Nieto, S. (2015), EU Immigrant Integration Policies and Returns on Human Capital, The International Spectator, 50 (3), pp. 78-87. - Nieto, S.; Ramos, R. (2015), Educational outcomes and socioeconomic status: A decomposition analysis for middle-income countries, Prospects, 45 (3), pp. 325-343. - Ramos, R.; Nicodemo, C.; Sanroma, E. (2015), A spatial panel wage curve for Spain, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences», 8 (2), pp. 125-139. - Nieto, S.; Matano, A.; Ramos, R. (2015), Educational mismatches in the EU: Immigrants vs. Natives. International Journal of Manpower, 36 (4), pp.540-561. - Sanroma, E.; Ramos, R.; Simón, H. (2015), How relevant is the origin of human capital for immigrant wages? Evidence from Spain. Journal of Applied Economics, 18 (1), pp.149-172. - Sanromá, E.; Ramos, R.; Simón, H. (2015), Portability of human capital and immigrant overeducation in Spain. Population Research and Policy Review, 34 (2), pp. 223-241. - Simón, H.; Ramos, R.; Sanroma, E. (2014), Immigrant occupational mobility: Longitudinal evidence from Spain. European Journal of Population, 30 (2), pp. 223-255. - Ramos, R.; Sanromá, E.; Simón, H. (2014), Public-private sector wage differentials by type of contract: evidence from Spain. Hacienda Pública Española, 208 (1-2014), pp. 107-141. - López-Tamayo, J.; Ramos, R; Suriñach, J. (2014), Institutional and Socio-Economic Convergence in the European Union, Croatian Economic Survey. 16 (2), pp. 5-28. - Clar-López, M.; López-Tamayo, J.; Ramos, R. (2014), Unemployment forecasts, time varying coefficient models and the Okun’s law in Spanish regions, Economics and Business Letters, 3 (4), pp. 247-262. - Ramos, R.; Sanromá, E. (2013), Overeducation and local labour markets in Spain, Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 104 (3), pp. 278-291. - Nieto, S.; Ramos, R. (2013), Non-formal education, overeducation and wages: evidence for Spain, Revista de Economia Aplicada. XXI (61), pp. 5-28. - Nicodemo, C.; Ramos, R. (2012), Wage Differentials Between Native and Immigrant Women in Spain: Accounting for Differences in Support, International Journal of Manpower, 33 (1), pp. 118-136. - Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J.; Artís, M. (2012), Regional economic growth and human capital: the role of overeducation, Regional Studies, 46 (10), pp. 1389-1410. - Tello, C.; Ramos, R. (2012), Wage Inequality and Economic Growth in Mexican Regions, Investigaciones Regionales, 42, pp. 115-152. - Nieto, S.; Ramos, R. (2011), La sobreeducación de los padres afecta al rendimiento académico de sus hijos?, Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies, 11 (3), pp. 97-118. - Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J.; Artís, M. (2010), Human capital spillovers, productivity and regional economic convergence in Spain, Papers in Regional Science, 89 (2), pp. 435-447. - Ramos, R.; Duque, J. C.; Suriñach, J. (2010), Is the wage curve formal or informal? Evidence for Colombia, Economics Letters, 109 (2), pp. 63-65. - Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J.; Artís, M. (2010), ¿Es necesario reformar las políticas activas de mercado de trabajo en España? Algunos elementos para la reflexión, Papeles de Economía Española, 124, pp. 281-300.
- Buscher, H., Dreger, C., Suriñach, J. (2009), The impact of institutions on the employment performance in European labour markets, Economic Issues, 14 (1), pp. 17-34.
- Simón, H.; Ramos, R; Sanromá, E. (2008), La evolución de las diferencias salariales por razón de sexo en España (1995-2002), Revista de Economia Aplicada, 48 (XVI), pp. 37-48. - Claeys, P.; Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2008), Fiscal sustainability across government tiers, International Economics and Economic Policy, 5 (1-2), pp. 139-163. - Babecky, J.; Ramos, R.; Sanromá, E. (2008), Meta-analysis on microeconomic wage flexibility (wage curve), Sozialer Fortschritt/German Social Policy Review, 57 (10-11), pp. 273-279. - Simón, H.; Sanromá, E.; Ramos, R. (2008), Labour Segregation and Immigrant and Native-born Wage Distributions in Spain: An Analysis Using Matched Employer-Employee Data, Spanish Economic Review, 10 (2), pp. 135-168. - Sanromá, E.; Ramos, R. (2007), Local human capital and productivity: An analysis for Spanish regions, Regional Studies, 41 (3), pp. 349-359. - Claveria, O.; Pons, E.; Ramos, R. (2007), Business and consumer expectations: Are they useful for forecasting?, International Journal of Forecasting. 23 (1), pp. 47-69. - Ramos, R.; Royuela, V.; Suriñach, J. (2007), An analysis of the determinants in Economics and Business publications by Spanish Universities between 1994 and 2004, Scientometrics, 71 (1), pp. 117-144. - Clar, M.; Dreger, C.; Ramos, R. (2007), Wage flexibility and labour market institutions: a meta-analysis, Kyklos, 60 (2), pp. 145-163. - Duque, J.C.; Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2007), Supervised regionalisation methods: A survey, International Regional Science Review, 30 (3), pp. 195-220. - Simón, H.; Ramos, R.; Sanroma, E. (2006), Collective Bargaining and Regional Wage Differences in Spain: An Empirical Analysis, Applied Economics, 38 (15), pp. 1749-1760. - Duque, J.C.; Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2006), Wages and productivity: the role of labour market institutions in OECD countries, Empirica, 33 (4), pp. 231-243. - Duque, J. C.; Artís, M.; Ramos, R. (2006), Ecological fallacy in a time series context: evidence from the Spanish regional unemployment rates, Journal of Geographical Systems. 8 (4), pp. 391-410. - Duque, J. C.; Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2005), What have we learned from the changeover to the euro? Lessons for Accession countries from Catalonian firms, Eastern European Economics, 43 (1), pp. 34-59. - Sanromá, E.; Ramos, R. (2005), Wage curves for Spain. Evidence from the Family Budget Survey, Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 8 (3), pp. 227-243.
- Suriñach, J.; Duque, J. C.; Ramos, R.; Royuela, V. (2004), Publication patterns in regional and urban analysis. Have topics, techniques and applications changed during the nineties?, Regional Studies, 37 (4), pp. 353-365. - Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2004), Shocking aspects of European enlargement, Eastern European Economics, 42 (5), pp. 36-57. - Ramos, R.; Clar, M.; Suriñach, J. (2003), Dynamic Analysis of Asymmetric Shocks in EU Manufacturing, Applied Economics, 35 (8), pp. 881-892. - Ramos, R.; Clar, M.; Suriñach, J. (2003), National versus sectoral shocks: New evidence for the manufacturing sector in European countries, Economics Letters, 78 (2), pp. 241-245. - Suriñach, J.; Duque, J.C., Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2002), La investigación regional en españa: un análisis bibliométrico, Investigaciones Regionales, 1, pp. 107-137. - Clar, M.; Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2001), A state-space approach for measuring regional manufacturing production indices, Papers in Regional Science, 80, pp. 357-369. - Sanromá, E., Ramos, R. (1999), Interprovincial wage differences in Spain. A microdata analysis for 1990, Jahrbuch fuer Regionalwissenschaft-Review of Regional Research, 19, pp. 35-54.
Editorial introduction to special issues
- Ramos, R. (2022), Reptes i tendències futures del mercat de treball, Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, 85, pp. 7-11. - Ramos, R.; Royuela, V. (2021), Introduction to the Special Issue on “Territorial Resilience: Mitigation and Firms’ Adaptation, International Regional Science Review, 44 (1), pp. 3-9. - Henson, S., Kambhampati, U., Mogues, T., Olsen, W., Prowse, M., Ramos, R., Rand, J., Rasiah, R., Roelen, K., Tiessen, R., Yap, F. (2020), The Development Impacts of COVID-19 at Home and Abroad: Politics and Implications of Government Action, European Journal of Development Research, 32 (5). pp. 1-14. - Mayor, M.; Ramos, R. (2020), Regions and Economic Resilience: New Perspectives, Sustainability, 12 (11), 4693. - Beenstock, M.; Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2015), Migration, human capital and social capital: lessons for the EU neighbouring countries, International Journal of Manpower, 36 (4), 434-440. - López-Bazo, E.; Monastiriotis, V.; Ramos, R. (2014), Spatial Inequalities and Economic Growth, Spatial Economic Analysis. 9 (2), pp. 113-119. - Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2012), Introduction to the Special Issue «Wages and Regional Labour Markets, Investigaciones Regionales, 24, 5-9.
Contributions to edited books
- Ramos, R. (2024), Modelling Migration, in Matyas, L. (ed). The Econometrics of Multi-dimensional Panels – Theory and Applications – 2nd Edition, Springer Verlag.
- Goulart, P.; Ramos, R.; Ferrittu, G. (eds) (2023), Global Labour in Distress, Volume I. Globalization, Technology and Labour Resilience, Palgrave Readers in Economics,
- Goulart, P.; Ramos, R.; Ferrittu, G. (eds) (2023), Global Labour in Distress, Volume II. Earnings, (In)decent Work and Institutions, Palgrave Readers in Economics,
- Rodríguez Pérez, R. E.; Ramos, R. (2022), How has teleworking highlighted gender differences in Mexico in the face of COVID-19 pandemic?, in Rodríguez Pérez, R.E.; Castro Lugo, D. (eds), The Economics of Women and Work in the Global Economy, Routledge, pp. 13-39.
- Ramos, R. (2022). Employment Discrimination. In: Maggino, F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Cham.
- Ramos R. (2021), Meta-Analysis. In: Maggino F. (eds) Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Cham. - Ramos, R. (2017), Modelling Migration, in Matyas, L. (ed). The Econometrics of Multi-dimensional Panels – Theory and Applications, Springer Verlag. - Ramos, R.; Royuela, V. (2017), Graduate migration in Spain: the impact of the Great Recession on a low-mobility country, in Corcoran, J.; Faggian,A. (eds), Graduate Migration and Regional Development, Edwar Elgar Publishing. - Ramos, R.; Royuela, V. (2014), Inequality in European Regions, in Wennberg, K.; Ehrling, G. (eds), Inclusive Growth in Europe, European Liberal Forum. - Ramos, R. (2014), Employment discrimination, in Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research, Springer.
- Ramos, R.; Sanchis-i-Marco, M. (2013), Política social y estrategia europea para el empleo in Tamarit, C., Jordán Gandulf, J.M. (coor.), Economía de la Unión Europea, Séptima edición, Cívitas-Thomson.
- Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2006), Demand and supply shocks in Acceding countries, in Artis, M., Banerjee, A., Marcellino, M. (eds), The Central and Eastern European Countries and the European Union, Cambridge University Press.
- Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2006), Monetary transmission in Acceding countries, in Artis, M., Banerjee, A., Marcellino, M. (eds), The Central and Eastern European Countries and the European Union, Cambridge University Press.
- Sanromá, E.; Ramos, R. (2002), La naturaleza de las economías externas y su influencia sobre los salarios. Un análisis para el caso español, in Becattini, G.; Costa, M.; Trullén, J. (eds), Desarrollo local. Teorías y estrategias, Ed. Civitas.
- Suriñach, J.; Duque, J. C.; Ramos, R.; Royuela, V. (2002), Topics, techniques and applications in urban and regional science in the nineties: a bibliometric analysis for selected international journals, in Mella Márquez, J. M. (coor.), Cambios regionales en la Unión Europea y nuevos retos territoriales, Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
- Ramos, R.; Sanchis-i-Marco, M. (2002), Unión monetaria y ajustes en el mercado de trabajo, in Jordán Gandulf, J. M.(coor.), Economía de la Unión Europea, Cuarta edición, Ed. Civitas.
- Sanromá, E.; Ramos, R. (1999), Regional structure of wages and external economies in Spain, in Dewhurst, J.; Crampton, G. (eds), European labour markets. European Research in Regional Science, Pion.
- Ramos, R.; Clar, M.; Suriñach, J. (1999), Specialisation in Europe and Asymmetric Shocks: Potential Risks of EMU, in Nijkamp, P.; Fisher, M.M. (eds.), Spatial Dynamics of European Integration. Political and Regional Issues at the Turn of the Millenium, Springer-verlag.
- Sanromá, E.; Ramos, R. (1998), El mercado de trabajo español en la Unión Monetaria. Flexibilidad de salarios y política laboral,in Velarde, J.; Garcia Delgado, J.L.; Pedreño, A. (dir.), La Economía Española ante una nueva moneda: el euro, Ed. Civitas.
Other publications
- Ramos, R. (2021), Les desigualtats educatives durant la pandèmia: què en sabem i què en podem esperar, Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, vol. 84. - Ramos, R. (2021), El futur del treball: quan DELIVEROO contracta a SIMO (a temps parcial i pel salari mínim), Revista Econòmica de Catalunya, vol. 83. - Eichhorst, W. et al. (2021), IZA COVID-19 Crisis Response Monitoring: The Second Phase of the Crisis, IZA Research Report No. 105. - Eichorst, W. et al. (2020), IZA COVID-19 Crisis Response Monitoring: Short-Run Labor Market Impacts of COVID-19, Initial Policy Measures and Beyond, IZA Research Report No. 98. - Ayadi, R. and Ramos, R. (2017), Regional Integration and Creation of Youth Employment in the Mediterranean Region, in IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2017, pp. 239-242. - IEMED, EMEA & EMNES (2017), Youth employment and regional integration in the Euro-Mediterranean region: Qualitative and quantitative economic analysis on whether and how regional integration could lead to youth employment - Ramos, R.; López-Bazo, E.; Vacas, C.; Royuela, V.; Moreno, R.; Dreger, C.; Hurley, J.; Suriñach, J. (2017), Employment effects of reduced non-wage labour costs, Eurofound report EF1648. - Ramos, R.; Royuela, V. (2016), Pobresa, desigualtat i salaris, Nota d’Economia, 103, pp 82-90. - Dreger, C.; López-Bazo, E.; Ramos, R.; Royuela, V.; Suriñach. J. (2015), Wage and Income Inequality in the European Union, Report for the European Parliament.
- Ramos, R. (2014), Turning a Corner? How Spain Can Help Immigrants Find Middle-Skilled Work, Washington D.C. and Geneva: Migration Policy Institute and International Labour Office.
- Royuela, V.; Veneri, P.; Ramos, R. (2014), Income Inequality, Urban Size and Economic Growth in OECD Regions, OECD Regional Development Working Papers 2014/10 - Nieto, S.; Ramos, R. (2013), Decomposition of differences in PISA results in middle income countries, Background paper prepared for the Education for all global monitoring report 2013/4, Teaching and learning: achieving quality for all; 2014/ED/EFA/MRT/PI/24.
- Artís, M.; Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2008), El model de simulació QUEST-CT. Descripció i aspectes metodològics, Monografies, 7/2008. - Dreger, C., Artís, M.; Moreno, R.; Ramos, R.; Suriñach, J. (2007), Study on the feasibility of a tool to measure the macroeconomic impact of structural reforms, European Economy Economics Papers 272. - Suriñach, J.; Artís, M.; Buscher, H.; Clar, M.; Dreger, C.; Ramos, R. (2005), The contribution of wage developments to labour market performance, European Economy Special Report, 1/2005.
Research projects (selected)
- Twin transition and changing patterns of spatial mobility: a regional approach (MOBI-TWIN). EU Horizon Europe, 2023-2026,
- TORCH. Transforming Open Responsible Research and Innovation through CHARM. EU H2020 programme (grant agreement 101017229), 2021-2024 –
- Cities and Sustainable Globalization: inputs and outputs of urbanisation, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, PID2020-118800GB-I00, 2021-2024
- ALLINTERACT. Widening and diversifying citizen engagement in science, EU H2020 programme (grant agreement 872396), 2020-2023 –
- CHARM European University (Challenge-driven, Accessible, Research-based, Mobile), ERASMUS+ 612546-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EP, Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), 2019-2022. - Territorial strategies to improve Resilience in times of crisis, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, ECO2016-75805-R, 2017-2019.
- SOLIDUS. Solidarity in European Societies: Empowerment, Social Justice and Citizenship, EU H2020 programme (grant agreement 649489), 2015-2018 –
- Spatial analysis of the labour market for young: Human capital, activation policies and entrepreneurship, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, ECO2013-41022-R, 2014-2016.
- Redes de colaboración tecnológica e innovación. Determinantes y efectos sobre la competitividad de las empresas españolas (INNOREDES), Fundación BBVA, 2014-2016. - Sharing KnowledgE Assets: InteRregionally Cohesive NeigHborhoods (SEARCH), EU Seventh Framework Programme. 2011-2014.
- Regional economic growth and inequality in Spain, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, CICYT ECO2010-16006, 2011-2013.
- KIT (Knowledge, Innovation, Territory), ESPON 2013 Programme (European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion), 2010-2012.
- Intangible Assets and Regional Economic Growth (IAREG), EU Seventh Framework Programme. 2008-2010.
- Spain and the EU enlargement: Analysis of the regional and sectoral effects, Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, CICYT SEC SEJ2005-04348/ECON, 2005-2008.
Additional information
- Co-Editor of the European Journal of Development Research (2012-2022).
- Ph.D. thesis supervisor/cosupervisor of Claudia Tello de la Torre (2012), Leonardo Tariffi (2013), Sandra Nieto Viramontes (2014), Carolina Hintzmann Colominas (2015), Antonio Báez Morales (2015), Omar García León (2016), Karen Davtyan (2016), Jessica Ordóñez Cuenca (2016), Hoon Choi (2018), Celia Melguizo (2018), Adriana Vega (2018), Xavier Bartoll Roca (2019), Ivan Hajdukovic (2021), Pau Cortadas Guasch (2021), Akin A. Cilekoglu (2023),Bernat Mallén Alberdi (2023), and supervisor of more than 20 MSc. and Degree thesis.
- Evaluator expert in the EU 7th Framework Programme (SSH & Marie Curie ECOSOC panel) and the EU H2020 (Marie Slodowska Curie ECOSOC panel), European Research Council (ERC), COST, European Parliament, the Spanish Ministry of Science-AEI, ANEP, AGAUR, AVAP, Inter-American Development Bank, the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation (RPF), The Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS) in Belgium, The Fund for Scientific Research in Luxembourg (FRS-Luxembourg), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Israel Science Fundation (ISF), the Icelandic Research Fund (RANNÍS), the Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research,Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) and the State Education Development Agency of the Republic of Latvia (SEDA).
- Referee for more than 100 academic journals. See details at Web of Science profile.